Saturday, October 9, 2010

Trivia Pursuit or Livia Hirsute?

October is liver awareness month. This is also the first anniversary of this blog. In honor of these events, I will present trivia about the liver.
  • The liver is the largest internal organ. 
  • Roughly, the size of a football, the liver typically weighs around three pounds.
  • The liver is a non-complaining organ.  Three quarters of the liver can be damaged and you might not notice any signs of it.  
  • Everything passes through the liver. This includes everything you eat, breathe, and apply to your skin.


  1. interesting information. i really love how you describe liver as a non-complaining organ.

  2. Lucinda, we read your stuff in the newsletter - always a pleasure and so glad to have found this! The subject needs some levity.
